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1 January 2003 Reproduction of Hydropericardium Syndrome in Three-Week-Old Cyclophosphamide-Treated Specific-Pathogen-Free Chickens by Adenoviruses from Inclusion Body Hepatitis
Kikuyasu Nakamura, Takeshi Shoyama, Masaji Mase, Tadao Imada, Manabu Yamada
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The pathogenicity of serotype 8 group I avian adenovirus (GIAAV) strains (TR630 and Saga97 strains) from inclusion body hepatitis (IBH) against cyclophosphamide (CY)-treated 3-wk-old specific-pathogen-free (SPF) chickens was examined. SPF chickens were inoculated intramuscularly with 107 plaque-forming units of viruses. Both strains from IBH could produce hydropericardium and mortality in CY-treated chickens as hydropericardium syndrome (HPS) that serotype 4 GIAAV strains cause, although they could not induce either hydropericardium or mortality in nontreated chickens. Histologically, hepatocytic necrosis with intranuclear inclusions, pancreatic acinar necrosis with intranuclear inclusions, and epicardial edema were seen in CY-treated chickens inoculated with GIAAV from IBH. Immunohistochemically, these inclusions were positive against GIAAV antigen. There were neither histologic lesions nor positive reactions against GIAAV antigen in nontreated chickens inoculated with GIAAV from IBH. From the present findings, pathogenic characteristics of IBH strains and HPS strains in the chickens were essentially the same.

Kikuyasu Nakamura, Takeshi Shoyama, Masaji Mase, Tadao Imada, and Manabu Yamada "Reproduction of Hydropericardium Syndrome in Three-Week-Old Cyclophosphamide-Treated Specific-Pathogen-Free Chickens by Adenoviruses from Inclusion Body Hepatitis," Avian Diseases 47(1), 169-174, (1 January 2003).[0169:ROHSIT]2.0.CO;2
Received: 29 April 2002; Published: 1 January 2003
hydropericardium syndrome
inclusion body hepatitis
SPF chicken
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