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30 June 2021 The potential role of stress and sex steroids in heritable effects of sevoflurane
Anatoly E. Martynyuk, Ling-Sha Ju, Timothy E. Morey
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Most surgical procedures require general anesthesia, which is a reversible deep sedation state lacking all perception. The induction of this state is possible because of complex molecular and neuronal network actions of general anesthetics (GAs) and other pharmacological agents. Laboratory and clinical studies indicate that the effects of GAs may not be completely reversible upon anesthesia withdrawal. The long-term neurocognitive effects of GAs, especially when administered at the extremes of ages, are an increasingly recognized health concern and the subject of extensive laboratory and clinical research. Initial studies in rodents suggest that the adverse effects of GAs, whose actions involve enhancement of GABA type A receptor activity (GABAergic GAs), can also extend to future unexposed offspring. Importantly, experimental findings show that GABAergic GAs may induce heritable effects when administered from the early postnatal period to at least young adulthood, covering nearly all age groups that may have children after exposure to anesthesia. More studies are needed to understand when and how the clinical use of GAs in a large and growing population of patients can result in lower resilience to diseases in the even larger population of their unexposed offspring. This minireview is focused on the authors' published results and data in the literature supporting the notion that GABAergic GAs, in particular sevoflurane, may upregulate systemic levels of stress and sex steroids and alter expressions of genes that are essential for the functioning of these steroid systems. The authors hypothesize that stress and sex steroids are involved in the mediation of sex-specific heritable effects of sevoflurane.

Summary sentence

GABAergic general anesthetics, in particular sevoflurane, induce acute and long-term neuroendocrine abnormalities and epigenomic alterations in germ cells, as well as epigenomic, transcriptomic, and behavioral abnormalities in male offspring.

© The Author(s) 2021. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of Society for the Study of Reproduction. All rights reserved. For permissions, please e-mail:
Anatoly E. Martynyuk, Ling-Sha Ju, and Timothy E. Morey "The potential role of stress and sex steroids in heritable effects of sevoflurane," Biology of Reproduction 105(3), 735-746, (30 June 2021).
Received: 1 March 2021; Accepted: 25 June 2021; Published: 30 June 2021
DNA methylation
GABA type A receptor
general anesthetic
intergenerational effects
K+-2Cl- (KCC2) Cl- exporter
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