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11 October 2022 Maternal exposure of rats to sodium saccharin during gestation and lactation on male offspring
Alana Rezende Godoi, Vanessa Caroline Fioravante, Beatriz Melo Santos, Francisco Eduardo Martinez, Patricia Fernanda Felipe Pinheiro
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We investigated the effects of fetal programming in Sprague–Dawley rats through the maternal consumption of sodium saccharin on the testicular structure and function in male offspring. Feed intake and efficiency, organ and fat weight, quantification and expression of androgen receptor (AR), and proliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA) proteins, sperm count, and hormone levels were determined. Consumption alterations were found in the final weeks of the experiment. Decreases in AR and PCNA expression and quantification, tubular diameter, and luminal volume, and increases in epithelial and interstitial relative volumes were observed. Lower sperm count and transit, and lower estradiol concentration were also found. Sodium saccharin consumption by dams programmed male offspring by affecting the hypothalamic–pituitary–gonad axis with alterations in the Sertoli cell population, in spermatogonia proliferation, the expression and quantification of AR, and in sperm count. We hypothesized that these changes may be due to an estradiol reduction that caused the loosening of adhesion junctions of the blood–testis barrier, causing cell losses during spermatogenesis, also reflected by a decrease in tubular diameter with an increase in epithelial volume and consequent decrease in luminal volume. We conclude that maternal sodium saccharin consumption during pregnancy and lactation programmed alterations in the reproductive parameters of male offspring, thus influencing spermatogenesis.

Summary Sentence

Maternal consumption of sodium saccharin during gestation and lactation reduced the population of seminiferous epithelium cells and plasma estradiol and affected reproductive capacity in male offspring.

Graphical Abstract

© The Author(s) 2022. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of Society for the Study of Reproduction. All rights reserved. For permissions, please e-mail:
Alana Rezende Godoi, Vanessa Caroline Fioravante, Beatriz Melo Santos, Francisco Eduardo Martinez, and Patricia Fernanda Felipe Pinheiro "Maternal exposure of rats to sodium saccharin during gestation and lactation on male offspring," Biology of Reproduction 108(1), 98-106, (11 October 2022).
Received: 4 May 2022; Accepted: 6 October 2022; Published: 11 October 2022
fetal programming
sodium saccharin
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