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14 August 2013 Mechanisms by which a Lack of Germinal Vesicle (GV) Material Causes Oocyte Meiotic Defects: A Study Using Oocytes Manipulated to Replace GV with Primary Spermatocyte Nuclei
Jie Zhang, Wei Cui, Qing Li, Tian-Yang Wang, Hong-Shu Sui, Jun-Zuo Wang, Ming-Jiu Luo, Jing-He Tan
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Oocytes with germinal vesicles (GVs) replaced with somatic nuclei exhibit meiotic abnormalities. Although this suggests an exclusive role for GV material in meiosis, mechanisms by which a lack of GV material causes meiotic defects are unknown. Knowledge of these mechanisms will help us to understand meiotic control, nuclear-cytoplasmic interactions, and cellular reprogramming. This study showed that although oocytes with prometaphase I chromosomes replaced with primary spermatocyte nuclei (PSN) did not, oocytes with GV replaced with PSN (PSG oocytes) did display meiotic defects. Among the defects, insufficient chromosome condensation with chromosome bridges was associated with spindle abnormalities. Abnormal spindle migration, cortical nonpolarization, and the aberrant spindle caused randomly positioning of cleavage furrows, leading to large first polar bodies (PB1) and unequal allocation of chromosomes and mitogen-activated protein kinases (MAPK) between oocyte and PB1. Spindle assembly checkpoint was activated but did not stop the incorrect division. The unequal MAPK allocation resulted in differences in pronuclear formation and PB1 degeneration; oocytes receiving more MAPK were more capable of forming pronuclear rudiments, whereas PB1 receiving more MAPK degenerated sooner than those that received less. Because none of the PSG oocytes or the enucleated GV oocytes injected with sperm heads showed cortical polarization in spite of chromosome localization close to the oolemma and because the PSG oocytes receiving more MAPK could form only pronuclear rudiments and not normal pronuclei, we suggest that the GV material plays essential roles in polarization and pronuclear formation on top of those played by chromosomes or MAPK. In conclusion, using PSG oocytes as models, this study has revealed the primary pathways by which a lack of GV material cause meiotic defects, laying a foundation for future research on the role of GV material in oocyte meiotic control.

Jie Zhang, Wei Cui, Qing Li, Tian-Yang Wang, Hong-Shu Sui, Jun-Zuo Wang, Ming-Jiu Luo, and Jing-He Tan "Mechanisms by which a Lack of Germinal Vesicle (GV) Material Causes Oocyte Meiotic Defects: A Study Using Oocytes Manipulated to Replace GV with Primary Spermatocyte Nuclei," Biology of Reproduction 89(4), (14 August 2013).
Received: 17 June 2013; Accepted: 1 August 2013; Published: 14 August 2013
chromosome condensation
cortical polarization
GV material
oocyte meiosis
somatic cell haploidization
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