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World Agriculture and the Environment: A Commodity-by-Commodity Guide to Impacts and Practices. Jason Clay. Island Press, Washington, DC, 2004. 568 pp., illus. $35.00 (ISBN 1559633700 paper).

Jason Clay, vice president of World Wildlife Fund's Center for Conservation Innovation and one of the first purveyors of “green marketing,” brings to World Agriculture and the Environment decades of agricultural experience, beginning with working the family farm in Missouri. He has synthesized into this accessible reader an impressive volume of facts, figures, and trends on the state of world agriculture and its myriad environmental impacts.

Unlike the reams of statistics aggregated in national or United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization reports, the numbers for each of the 21 commodities covered in Clay's work are woven into a narrative that captures significant patterns. Two trenchant chapters cover “agricultural trends and realities” and “agriculture and the environment.” These are followed by chapters on separate commodities, each of which begins with a map of the geographical areas of production; “fast facts” on production and international trade; the key countries that produce, export, and import the commodity; and a summary of major environmental impacts and the potential for improvement. Clay examines in some detail the main threats that each commodity poses to the environment and the overall global trends that shape these threats. He also presents a detailed discussion of best management practices (BMPs), both tried-and-true ones and new approaches, that could boost production while minimizing ecological losses.

The book can be read from multiple perspectives. For example, Clay examines eight categories of threats and impacts—habitat conversion, invasive species, agrochemicals, soil erosion, wastes, water, fire, and greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions; he then presents innovative policy recommendations—some market based, some that operate through regulatory enforcement—for addressing them.

Habitat conversion, especially of intact ecosystems with globally significant biodiversity, is covered quite well. Several striking insights run through many of the commodity assessments:

  • Habitat conversion can occur regardless of whether the commodity price increases, decreases, or remains stagnant.

  • A commodity's scale of production in terms of hectares under cultivation may not always be the most meaningful indicator of biodiversity threat and impact.

  • Advances in biotechnology (both classical and transgenic) continue to overcome one agricultural constraint after another, enabling expansion of production into habitats previously inhibited by some limiting factor.

  • Agricultural subsidies promote habitat conversion. Ironically, though, the reduction of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development's domestic manipulation of consumer prices and of its provision of producer subsidies (which totaled over $300 billion in 2001) could also accelerate conversion of some of the planet's most biologically rich habitats in developing countries. (Such conversion can be avoided, however, by the use of mechanisms I discuss below.)

All of these factors combine with other trends to pose ever-present threats that lead to broadscale fragmentation, degradation, and destruction of intact ecosystems. These other trends include an annual increase in human population great enough to people Mexico; as incomes rise, growth in the percentage of protein derived from animals, a shift that demands even more agricultural land; conversion of natural resources in developing countries to alleviate mass poverty and foster economic expansion; a rising rate of consumption of land-based commodities globally; and a steady decline in the quality and productivity of soils.

Clay's most important BMP and policy recommendations to combat such threats concern land zoning: Areas of high biodiversity and habitats important for maintenance of ecosystem services should be set aside, he maintains. Not only does such zoning need to be done at the landscape or ecosystem level, he says, but it is essential to identify minimal-size, viable forest fragments of biological significance within commodity operations.

“Farming with nature,” an idea long ignored by large-scale, high-input monoculture systems, is attracting greater attention. The concept ranges from connecting fragmented patches into ecological corridors for sustaining viable populations of endangered species (e.g., Sumatran rhinoceroses in unplanted areas of oil palm plantations) to using multicrop systems with ecologically based pest-management strategies (e.g., shade-grown coffee and cocoa).

Regenerating degraded and abandoned lands is another critical recommendation for slowing deforestation, which averaged 15 million hectares per annum over the past decade. One-fourth of the world's agricultural land area is degraded, much of it capable of being revitalized for production. Brazil offers a case in point. Sixty million hectares are currently under production in that country, with another million hectares of forests being converted into agricultural lands each year. Meanwhile, 80 million hectares of land lie abandoned or degraded. Yet degraded pasture can be converted into productive soybean–corn– cotton rotations within six years using no-till practices that augment the soil's organic matter. The degraded land is valued at $500 or less per hectare, while land for soybeans is worth $2000 per hectare. Reclaiming degraded land can boost producer assets by up to $300 per hectare per annum over the six years it takes for regeneration, increasing the value of the degraded land more than the net value of the soybeans or other crops produced on it.

As Clay notes, “if even 15 percent could be reclaimed for agricultural use, Brazil's current rate of agricultural expansion could be sustained for twenty years without needing to clear a single hectare of natural habitat. If productivity is increased on each hectare, then the rate of expansion of cultivated land could be slowed even more and total production would still increase.”

World agriculture is responsible for a sizable fraction of GHG emissions, the major constituent of which is carbon dioxide (CO2). Clay identifies climate mitigation projects for protecting and restoring land carbon as potential sources of income to fund many of the BMPs and land zoning policies. According to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, the equivalent of 360 billion tons of CO2 could be captured in the next five decades through prevention of deforestation, restoration of fragmented landscapes, and agricultural and forestry sequestration. Although this amount is only 10 percent of the total reduction in GHG emissions that may be needed this century to stabilize atmospheric concentrations, it represents a potential income of many hundreds of billions of dollars for these climate mitigation services, which could simultaneously bring biodiversity benefits and help transform impoverished rural communities into ones with sustainable livelihoods. For example, Brazilian scientists have proposed a national cap on Amazonian tropical deforestation, which averaged 2 million hectares per year over the past decade. If the national loss were then further reduced, say, 10 percent below the cap, or 200,000 hectares per year, this would prevent the release of more than 50 million tons of CO2. These saved tons could then be sold to countries and corporations that need to reduce their CO2 emissions, accruing revenues in excess of $150 million per year (at current low prices of $3 per ton of CO2).

Storing carbon is but one among several environmental services that, Clay argues, provide important societal benefits and economic value. Others are maintaining watershed quality and quantity, protecting biodiversity, and preventing soil erosion. Payments to farmers to help sustain and restore these services, Clay says, are justifiable.

Is it reasonable to think that in times of shrinking government budgets and rising national debts such new funds will be forthcoming? Clay answers affirmatively, proposing that some of the hundreds of billions of dollars per year of production, export, input, credit, and infrastructure subsidies be shifted into paying for environmental services “beneficial to all members of society, both for this generation as well as for future ones.” The rest of the subsidies and other market barriers should then be phased out.

Clay acknowledges that the political clout of producers and the legitimate need of society to ensure adequate food and fiber supplies pose formid able barriers to eliminating subsidies in the near term. Such inertia, how ever, is being challenged by a worldwide counter-trend to remove market-distorting policies.

A large part of World Agriculture and the Environment focuses on BMPs that improve farm operations, reduce ecological impacts, and increase biodiversity benefits, thereby achieving monetary savings and productivity gains. Clay makes three key recommendations: (1) Promote socially responsible and equity-based BMPs (e.g., worker incentive programs, employee stock option plans); (2) make BMPs the basis for regulatory structures and permitting systems; and (3) base investment, insurance, and purchase screens on BMPs. He also discusses the cur rent shortcomings of “eco-labels” and calls for improvement of certification systems.

Overall, Clay's commodity-by-commodity guide is a rich reference worthy of inclusion in any library, and it will inspire readers to delve more deeply into this provocative and important topic. The book certainly deserves a wide readership, given that agriculture's overall impact on the planet's ecosystems is greater than that of any other human activity.

Published: 1 March 2004
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