The Art of Being a Parasite. Claude Combes, trans. Daniel Simberloff. University of Chicago Press, Chicago, 2005. 292 pp., illus. $25.00 (ISBN 0226114384 paper).
Bears: A Year in the Life. Matthias Breiter. Firefly Books, Westport, CT, 2005. 176 pp., illus. $34.95 (ISBN 1554070775 cloth).
Begonias: Cultivation, Identification, and Natural History. Mark C. Tebbitt. Timber Press, Portland, OR, 2005. 360 pp., illus. $34.95 (ISBN 0881927333 cloth).
The Death of Ramón González: The Modern Agricultural Dilemma. Rev. ed. Angus Wright. University of Texas Press, Austin, 2005. 416 pp., illus. $19.95 (ISBN 0292712685 paper).
The Evolution of Animal Communication: Reliability and Deception in Signaling Systems. William A. Searcy and Stephen Nowicki. Princeton University Press, Princeton, NJ, 2005. 288 pp., illus. $39.50 (ISBN 0691070954 paper).
Frontiers in Antimicrobial Resistance: A Tribute to Stuart B. Levy. David G. White, Michael N. Alekshun, and Patrick F. McDermott, eds.ASM Press, Washington, DC, 2005. 598 pp., illus. $119.95 (ISBN 1555813291 cloth).
Headless Males Make Great Lovers:And Other Unusual Natural Histories. Marty Crump. University of Chicago Press, Chicago, 2005. 207 pp., illus. $25.00 (ISBN 0226121992 cloth).
The Influence of Cooperative Bacteria on Animal Host Biology. Margaret J. McFall-Ngai, Brian Henderson, and Edward G. Ruby, eds. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, MA, 2005. 456 pp., illus. $120.00 (ISBN 0521834651 cloth).
Molecular Approaches to Malaria. Ir-win W. Sherman, ed. ASM Press, Washington, DC, 2005. 560 pp., illus. $129.95 (ISBN 1555813305 cloth).
Neural Networks and Animal Behavior. Magnus Enquist and Stefano Ghirlanda. Princeton University Press, Princeton, NJ, 2005. 256 pp., illus. $39.95 (ISBN 0691096333 paper).
Out of the Blue: A Journey through the World's Oceans. Paul Horsman. MIT Press, Cambridge, MA, 2005. 160 pp., illus. $29.95 (ISBN 0262083418 cloth).
Peterson Field Guide to Ferns of Northeastern and Central North America. 2nd ed. Boughton Cobb, Elizabeth Farnsworth, and Cheryl Lowe. Houghton Mifflin, Boston, 2005. 304 pp., illus. $20.00 (ISBN 0618394060 paper).
Phages: Their Role in Bacterial Pathogenesis and Biotechnology. Matthew K. Waldor, David I. Friedman, and Sankar L. Adhya, eds. ASM Press, Washington, DC, 2005. 468 pp., illus. $119.95 (ISBN 1555813070 cloth).
Plants from the Edge of the World: New Explorations in the Far East. Mark Flanagan and Tony Kirkham. Timber Press, Portland, OR, 2005. 312 pp., illus. $39.95 (ISBN 0881926760 cloth).
The Plausibility of Life: Resolving Darwin's Dilemma. Marc W. Kirschner and John C. Gerhart. Yale University Press, New Haven, CT, 2005. 336 pp., illus. $30.00 (ISBN 0300108656 cloth).
Principles of Conservation Biology. 3rd ed. Martha J. Groom, Gary K. Meffe, and C. Ronald Carroll. Sinauer, Sunderland, MA, 2005. 699 pp., illus. $89.95 (ISBN 0878935185 cloth).
René Dubos, Friend of the Good Earth: Microbiologist, Medical Scientist, Environmentalist. Carol L. Moberg. ASM Press, Washington, DC, 2005. 292 pp., illus. $29.95 (ISBN 1555813402 cloth).
Sensation and Perception. Jeremy M. Wolfe, Keith R. Kluender, Dennis M. Levi, Linda M. Bartoshuk, Rachel S. Herz, Roberta L. Klatzky, and Susan J. Lederman. Sinauer, Sunderland, MA, 2005. 407 pp., illus. $98.95 (ISBN 0878939385 cloth).
Texas Snakes: A Field Guide. James R. Dixon and John E. Werler. University of Texas Press, Austin, 2005. 384 pp., illus. $19.95 (ISBN 0292706758 paper).
Unruly Complexity: Ecology, Interpretation, Engagement. Peter J. Taylor. University of Chicago Press, Chicago, 2005. 312 pp., illus. $25.00 (ISBN 0226790363 paper).