Antarctic Fishes. Mitsuo Fukuchi and Harvey J. Marchant. Johns Hopkins University Press, Baltimore, 2006. 136 pp., illus. $45.00 (ISBN 9780801886102 cloth).

Birds of the Dominican Republic and Haiti. Steven Latta, Christopher Rimmer, Allan Keith, James Wiley, Herbert Raffaele, Kent McFarland, and Eladio Fernandez. Princeton University Press, Princeton, NJ, 2006. 360 pp., illus. $35.00 (ISBN 0691118914 paper).

Ecological Communities: Plant Mediation in Indirect Interaction Webs. Takayuki Ohgushi, Timothy P. Craig, and Peter W. Price, eds. Cambridge University Press, New York, 2007. 464 pp., illus. $150.00 (ISBN 0521850398 cloth).

Evolution and the Levels of Selection. Samir Okasha. Oxford University Press, New York, 2006. 288 pp., illus. $55.00 (ISBN 9780199267972 cloth).

Evolutionary Ecology of Parasites. 2nd ed. Robert Poulin. Princeton University Press, Princeton, NJ, 2007. 348 pp., illus. $39.50 (ISBN 0691120854 paper).

Foundations of Restoration Ecology. Donald A. Falk, Margaret A. Palmer, and Joy B. Zedler, eds. Island Press, Washington, DC, 2006. 518 pp., illus. $45.00 (ISBN 9781597260176 paper).

Fruits and Nuts. Chittaranjan Kole, ed. Springer, New York, 2007. 400 pp., illus. $229.00 (ISBN 9783540345312 cloth).

The Geometry of Evolution: Adaptive Landscapes and Theoretical Morphospaces. George R. McGhee. Cambridge University Press, New York, 2006. 214 pp., illus. $75.00 (ISBN 9780521849425 cloth).

An Introduction to Ecological Genomics. Nico M. van Straalen and Dick Roelofs. Oxford University Press, New York, 2006. 320 pp., illus. $59.50 (ISBN 9780198566717 paper).

An Introduction to Plant Breeding. Jack Brown and Peter Caligari. Blackwell, Ames, IA, 2007. 384 pp., illus. $99.99 (ISBN 1405133449 paper).

Landscape Influences on Stream Habitats and Biological Assemblages. Robert M. Hughes, Lizhu Wang, and Paul W. Seelbach, eds. American Fisheries Society, Bethesda, MD, 2006. 697 pp., illus. $69.00 (ISBN 9781888569766 paper).

Management of Natural Resources, Sustainable Development, and Ecological Hazards. C. A. Brebbia, M. E. Conti, and E. Tiezzi, eds. WIT Press, Boston, 2007. 864 pp., illus. $485.00 (ISBN 9871845640484 cloth).

A Natural History of Families. Scott Forbes. Princeton University Press, Princeton, NJ, 2007. 256 pp., illus. $18.95 (ISBN 9780691130354 paper).

Primate Anti-Predator Strategies. Sharon Gursky and Anna Nekaris, eds. Springer, New York, 2006. 396 pp., illus. $129.00 (ISBN 9780387348070 cloth).

Research and Applications in Bacteriocins. Margaret A. Riley and Osnat Gillor, eds. Taylor and Francis, New York, 2006. 224 pp., illus. $220.00 (ISBN 9781904933236 cloth).

Unnatural Landscapes: Tracking Invasive Species. Ceiridwen Terrill. University of Arizona Press, Tucson, 2007. 240 pp., illus. $17.95 (ISBN 9780816525232 paper).

Where to Watch Birds in World Cities. Paul Milne. Yale University Press, New Haven, CT, 2007. 480 pp., illus. $28.00 (ISBN 9780300116915 paper).

"NEW TITLES," BioScience 57(3), 296, (1 March 2007).[296:NT]2.0.CO;2
Published: 1 March 2007
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