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1 September 2004
Physical Damage in Relation to Carbon Allocation Strategies of Tropical Forest Tree Saplings
Anton Pauw,
Sunshine A. Van Bael,
Halton A. Peters,
Steven D. Allison,
José L. C. Camargo,
Miguel Cifuentes-Jara,
Auristela Conserva,
Teresa Garcia Restom,
Tamara Heartsill-Scalley,
Scott A. Mangan,
Gabriela Nunez-Iturri,
Elsie Rivera-Ocasio,
Mark Rountree,
Susanne Vetter,
Carolina Volkmer de Castilho
Author Affiliations +
Anton Pauw,1,* Sunshine A. Van Bael,2 Halton A. Peters,3 Steven D. Allison,4 José L. C. Camargo,5 Miguel Cifuentes-Jara,6 Auristela Conserva,7 Teresa Garcia Restom,8 Tamara Heartsill-Scalley,9 Scott A. Mangan,10 Gabriela Nunez-Iturri,11 Elsie Rivera-Ocasio,12 Mark Rountree,13 Susanne Vetter,14 Carolina Volkmer de Castilho15
1aDepartment of Botany University of Cape Town Private Bag Rondebosch 7701 South Africa
2bDepartment of Animal Biology University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign 606 East Healy Champaign, I
3cDepartment of Biological Sciences Stanford University Stanford, CA 94305 USA
4dDepartment of Biological Sciences Stanford University Stanford, CA 94305-5020 USA
5eEcology Department Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas da Amazonia Caixa Postal 478 69011-970 Manaus- A
6fEnvironmental Sciences Program Oregon State University 104 Nash Hall Corvallis, OR 97331
7gProjeto INPA/Max-Planck Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas da Amazonia Caixa Postal 478 69011-970 Mana
8hDepartment of Botany University of Hawaii at Manoa 3190 Maile Way 101 96822, Honolulu, HI USA
9iDept. of Aquatic, Watershed and Earth Resources Utah State University Logan, Utah 84322-5210
10jDepartment of Biology Indiana University Bloomington IN, 47405 USA
11kDepartment of Biological Sciences University of Illinois-Chicago 845 W. Taylor St. (M/C 066) Chicag
12lP.O. Box 23360 Department of Biology University of Puerto Rico San Juan, Puerto Rico 00931-3360
13mDept of Animal, Plant and Env. Sciences University of the Witwatersrand South Africa
14nDepartment of Botany University of Cape Town Private Bag Rondebosch 7701 South Africa
15oCoordenacao de Pesquisas em Ecologia Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas da Amazonia Caixa Postal 478 6
*Corresponding author;