Neil A. Oakman, Susan J. Christie, Dylan P. Hannon
Bradleya 2002 (20), 23-28, (28 September 2002)
The conservation value of two Soqotran endemic succulent plant species, Aloe perryi Baker and Duvaliandra dioscoridis (Lavranos) M. Gilbert, was assessed as part of a study of some aspects of their ecology.
A. perryi is important locally as a source of medicinal extracts and is harvested at some locations for export as well as local use. At one of the study sites this harvesting may be having an adverse affect on the local Aloe population. Other populations of A. perryi are not harvested or may be harvested only infrequently, but demand for the sap is increasing. A. perryi is widespread on the island, occurring mostly in scattered discrete populations. A. perryi should continue to be assigned to the conservation status category ‘Near Threatened’.
D. dioscoridis seems to be restricted to a single known population in one small area but appears to have a balanced population structure. Based on its restricted distribution D. dioscoridis should continue to be designated as ‘Critically Endangered’.