The Crassulaceae of the department of Huancavelica, Peru are updated. Two new species of Echeveria and one species of genus Sedum are described: Echeveria incaica from province Tayacaja near the border with Junín is morphologically similar to E. oreophila from Cajamarca; Echeveria ostolazae from the province Castrovirreyna at the southern border of the department of Huancavelica near Chincha, Ica was first taken for E. chiclensis var. chiclensis or E. deltoidea; Sedum xerophilum, first thought to be Sedum incarum, grows at drier, much lower locations than the latter. Moreover, two already previously described Sedum species, S. incarum and S. renzopalmae, up to now only known from the department of Lima, have also been found in the department of Huancavelica. Finally, a new species of genus Echeveria from the department of Junín, looking like a miniature version of E. incaica, is described.