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22 December 2022 Correction: Use of two novel trailer types for transportation of pigs to slaughter. II. Effects on trailer microclimate, pig behaviour, physiological response, and meat quality under Canadian winter conditions
Kyle A.T. Moak, Renée Bergeron, Sabine Conte, Benjamin M. Bohrer, Guilherme Agostini Ferreira, Jessica Gonçalves Vero, Gizella Aboagye, Aitor Arrazola, Nicolas Devillers, Luigi Faucitano
Author Affiliations +

Ref.: Can. J. Anim. Sci. 102: 543–553 (2022) |

In the originally published article, the Acknowledgements section was found to be incomplete with respect to inclusion of all funding partners and incorrect name of a technician. The corrected Acknowledgements section is shown below. The original article is corrected.


The authors wish to thank S. Khalife for her assistance in data and sample collection at the farm and at the abattoir. The authors would like to show appreciation to S. Méthot for his statistical analysis and support, and J. Nakure for the blood CK analysis. Furthermore, the authors are grateful to Luckhart Transport for providing the trailers, drivers, and manpower, Synergy farms for providing the pigs and manpower, and Conestoga Meat Packers Ltd. for providing guidance, manpower, slaughter facilities, and the meat cuts that were evaluated in this study. This project was made possible by funding from Carrozzeria Pezzaioli, Ontario Pork, Sask Pork, Manitoba Pork, Alberta Pork, Agriculture Funding Consortium, Canadian Coalition for Farm Animals (CCFA), Your Neighbourhood Credit Union, and Agriculture & Agri-Food Canada AgriInnovation Program.

© 2022 Authors Moak, Bergeron, Bohrer, Agostinis Ferreira, Aboagye, and Arrazola, and The Crown.
Kyle A.T. Moak, Renée Bergeron, Sabine Conte, Benjamin M. Bohrer, Guilherme Agostini Ferreira, Jessica Gonçalves Vero, Gizella Aboagye, Aitor Arrazola, Nicolas Devillers, and Luigi Faucitano "Correction: Use of two novel trailer types for transportation of pigs to slaughter. II. Effects on trailer microclimate, pig behaviour, physiological response, and meat quality under Canadian winter conditions," Canadian Journal of Animal Science 103(1), 108, (22 December 2022).
Received: 2 December 2022; Accepted: 2 December 2022; Published: 22 December 2022
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