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1 September 2012 Effect of nutritional regimen including limit feeding and breed on growth performance, carcass characteristics and meat quality in beef cattle
E. M. McGregor, C. P. Campbell, S. P. Miller, P. P. Purslow, I. B. Mandell
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McGregor, E M., Campbell, C. P., Miller, S. P., Purslow, P. P. and Mandell, I. B. 2012. Effect of nutritional regimen including limit feeding and breed on growth performance, carcass characteristics and meat quality in beef cattle. Can. J. Anim. Sci. 92: 327-341. The effects of nutritional management regimen and breed on growth performance, carcass attributes, and meat quality were evaluated in 68 British (BRIT) and Continental (CONT) crossbred steers, managed on one of three nutritional regimens: (1) ad libitum access to a 77% corn diet (ALGRAIN), (2) limit feeding initially of the 77% corn diet, followed by ad libitum access to the 77% corn diet (LFGRAIN), and (3) limit feeding initially of a 90% haylage diet, followed by ad libitum access to the 77% corn diet (LFHAYL). Nutritional regimen by breed interactions (P<0.02) were present for average daily gain, dry matter intake (DMI), gain to feed, and shear force. LFHAYL regimen decreased gains to a greater extent for BRIT steers than CONT steers managed on ALGRAIN or LFGRAIN. Feed intakes were similar across nutritional regimens for CONT steers, while DMI was depressed in BRIT on LFHAYL as compared with steers started on ALGRAIN or LFGRAIN. Gain to feed was greater in BRIT cattle on LFGRAIN vs. ALGRAIN, while gain to feed was similar in CONT started on grain (ALGRAIN, LFGRAIN). Shear force was lower for beef from LFHAYL BRIT vs. beef from BRIT on ALGRAIN or LFGRAIN, while the converse was true for CONT. Limit feeding of a high-energy diet may be appropriate for cattle of British background to reduce feed input costs, while ensuring tenderness.

E. M. McGregor, C. P. Campbell, S. P. Miller, P. P. Purslow, and I. B. Mandell "Effect of nutritional regimen including limit feeding and breed on growth performance, carcass characteristics and meat quality in beef cattle," Canadian Journal of Animal Science 92(3), 327-341, (1 September 2012).
Received: 14 November 2011; Accepted: 1 April 2012; Published: 1 September 2012

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