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31 May 2018 Pen enrichment and sex interaction on growth performance and metabolite concentrations of autochthonous Windsnyer pigs kept in a high stocking density
M.V. Mkwanazi, A.T. Kanengoni, M. Chimonyo
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The objective of the study was to determine the interaction of pen enrichment and sex on growth performance and blood metabolite concentrations of Windsnyer pigs. Forty-eight growing Windsnyer pigs of both sexes, with an average initial body weight of 21.6 (±9.01) kg were used. Daily feed intake and weekly body weights for each pen were measured. Blood was collected at the end of the experiment. Pen environment did not affect average daily feed intake (ADFI) and average daily gain. There was a pen environment and sex interaction on ADFI. Females in barren pens had higher ADFI than enriched females but ADFI in barren and enriched pens was similar for male pigs. Pigs in enriched environment were more efficient in converting feed into body weight than those in barren environment. There was an interaction of pen environment and sex on glucose, blood urea nitrogen (BUN), and alkaline phosphatase. Enriched males had higher albumin than males in barren environment. Enriched females had higher BUN than females in barren environment. It was concluded that enriched Windsnyer pigs housed at a density of 0.39 m2 per pig, particularly females, perform better than those in barren environments.

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M.V. Mkwanazi, A.T. Kanengoni, and M. Chimonyo "Pen enrichment and sex interaction on growth performance and metabolite concentrations of autochthonous Windsnyer pigs kept in a high stocking density," Canadian Journal of Animal Science 98(4), 826-832, (31 May 2018).
Received: 7 February 2018; Accepted: 16 March 2018; Published: 31 May 2018

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average daily feed intake
average daily gain
blood urea nitrogen
gain:feed ratio
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