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5 March 2019 Defining pig sort loss with a simulation of various marketing options of pigs with the assumption that marketing cuts improve variation in carcass weight and leanness
Z.Y. Zhou, B.M. Bohrer
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The study aimed to offer clarification on pig sort loss and associated marketing strategies using a simulated pig marketing model that contemplates both the carcass weight and the predicted leanness of the pig. The objective was to investigate economic variability associated with marketing strategies using simulated pig marketing models. The simulation considered six producers with the presumption that each had a maximum capacity for 4800 grow-finish pigs, in an attempt to imitate commercial finishing barns with 48 pens of roughly 100 pigs per pen. Under the assumption that variability decreased with the addition of each marketing cut, the simulation incorporated a standard deviation reduction of 20% per increase of one marketing cut for both carcass weight and predicted leanness of the population of pigs marketed. Consequently, it was found that there was an increase in profitability, as well as a decrease in pig sort loss (defined with both carcass weight and predicted leanness) with each marketing cut, but these improvements would diminish with each additional marketing cut.

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Z.Y. Zhou and B.M. Bohrer "Defining pig sort loss with a simulation of various marketing options of pigs with the assumption that marketing cuts improve variation in carcass weight and leanness," Canadian Journal of Animal Science 99(3), 542-552, (5 March 2019).
Received: 16 October 2018; Accepted: 28 February 2019; Published: 5 March 2019

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pig marketing
pig sort loss
pork economics
pork industry
pork value
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