Palmer amaranth is one of the most economically important and widespread weeds of arable land in the United States. Although no populations are currently known to exist in Canada, its distribution has expanded northward such that it is present in many of the states bordering Canada and multiple pathways exist for its introduction. In this short communication, we report on the transport of viable Palmer amaranth seed on imported sweet potato slips. A reproductive pair of Palmer amaranth seedlings were identified from soil accompanying imported sweet potato slips in 2018. Identification was confirmed using species-specific single nucleotide polymorphisms.
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4 March 2021
Import of Palmer amaranth (Amaranthus palmeri S. Wats.) seed with sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas (L.) Lam) slips
Eric R. Page,
Robert E. Nurse,
Sydney Meloche,
Kerry Bosveld,
Christopher Grainger,
Kristen Obeid,
Melanie Filotas,
Marie Josée Simard,
Martin Laforest
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amarante de Palmer
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Palmer amaranth
Patate douce