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1 May 2013 Functional and evolutionary analysis of two CBF genes in Prunus mume
J. Zhang, W. R. Yang, T. R. Cheng, H. T. Pan, Q. X. Zhang
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Zhang, J., Yang, W. R., Cheng, T. R., Pan, H. T. and Zhang, Q. X. 2013. Functional and evolutionary analysis of two CBF genes inPrunus mume. Can. J. Plant Sci. 93: 455-464. Primers based on the C-repeat (CRT)/dehydration responsive element (DRE) binding factor of peach (Prunus persica), sweet cherry (Prunus avim) and other related family member sequences found in GenBank were designed. Fragments of C-repeat binding factor (CBF) genes were isolated from Prunus mume by PCR and RT-PCR. The two CBF genes, designated PmCBFa and PmCBFb, were 821 bp and 741 bp long, encoding putative proteins of 238 and 225 amino acids, respectively, which contain all the conserved CBF protein domains. Similar to other CBF homologs, PmCBFa and PmCBFb may be constitutive and can be induced at a low temperature. Phylogenetic analysis using known CBF homologs indicated that all monocot CBF genes belong to the same group, separated from the eudicot CBF genes. The PmCBF genes are the homologs of the sweet cherry PaDREB gene. Sequencing of 16 cultivars and a wild species, ‘Zang’ Mei, characterized the intraspecific molecular evolution of the Prunus mume CBF genes, and the preliminary analysis indicates that the nucleotide diversity is low in coding area of PmCBFa.

J. Zhang, W. R. Yang, T. R. Cheng, H. T. Pan, and Q. X. Zhang "Functional and evolutionary analysis of two CBF genes in Prunus mume," Canadian Journal of Plant Science 93(3), 455-464, (1 May 2013).
Received: 4 August 2012; Accepted: 1 November 2012; Published: 1 May 2013

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CBF transcription factor
diversité des nucléotides
facteur de transcription CBF
nucleotide diversity
PCR quantitative en temps réel
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