Randhawa, H. S., Graf, R. J., Fox, S. L. and Sadasivaiah, R. S. 2015. AAC Proclaim general purpose spring wheat. Can. J. Plant Sci. 95: 1265-1269. AAC Proclaim is a soft red spring wheat cultivar eligible for the Canada Western General Purpose (CWGP) wheat class. Evaluated in 18 trials grown over 2 yr in the General Purpose Wheat Cooperative Registration trial, AAC Proclaim yielded significantly lower than the CWGP checks, AC Andrew and Pasteur, and was 1 and 5 d earlier maturing, respectively. AAC Proclaim was significantly taller than the checks, but had similar straw strength. Test weight was higher than the checks and kernel mass was similar to AC Andrew. Based on visual assessments and deoxynivalenol testing over 3 yr, AAC Proclaim was rated as resistant to Fusarium head blight. It also expressed resistance to the prevalent races of leaf rust and moderate resistance to the prevalent races of stem rust and loose smut. AAC Proclaim showed susceptibility to infection by stripe rust and common bunt.