Pandey, M., Singh, A. K., DePauw, R. M., Bokore, F. E., Ellouze, W., Knox, R. E. and Cuthbert, R. D. 2015. Coleoptile length, gibberellin sensitivity, and plant height variation of durum wheat in Canada. Can. J. Plant Sci. 95: 1259-1264. Thirty-three durum wheat [Triticum turgidum L. subsp. durum (Desf.) Husn.] and three hexaploid wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) cultivars and introduced germplasm were evaluated for coleoptile length (CL), gibberellin (GA) sensitivity, and plant height in the laboratory, greenhouse and field. The semidwarf durum cultivars, AC Navigator and Commander, had short CL (<7.0 cm) and were insensitive to GA. All the tall and conventional-height durum had long CL (>9.0 cm) and expressed sensitivity to exogenous GA. The CL was not associated with plant height and seedling dry matter mass among the tall and conventional-height durum genotypes.