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1 January 2016 A New Deep-Sea Fish Leech (Hirudinida: Piscicolidae) from the North East Pacific Ocean
Eugene M. Burreson
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Galatheabdella epshteini is described from depths of 900 to 2,400 m off the northwest coast of the United States. Leeches are elongate, up to 50 mm total length. Body is smooth, lacking papillae, tubercles, or pigmentation. Oral sucker is well developed; caudal sucker is small and subterminal. Leeches have pulsatile vesicles, 6 pairs of testisacs, accessory gland cells on atrial cornu, conducting tissue, mycetomes, and fused postceca with fenestrae. No host is recorded.

The Helminthological Society of Washington
Eugene M. Burreson "A New Deep-Sea Fish Leech (Hirudinida: Piscicolidae) from the North East Pacific Ocean," Comparative Parasitology 83(1), 88-91, (1 January 2016).
Published: 1 January 2016
deep sea
Galatheabdella epshteini
Juan de Fuca Ridge
marine leeches
Monterey Canyon
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