We investigated the effects of riparian zones, and associated environmental variables, on the composition and number of species of frogs per sample unit in an Amazonian forest. Sample plots in riparian (up to 10 m from water bodies) and non-riparian areas were distributed over a 25 km2 sampling grid to obtain a representative sample of habitats in each category. Each plot was sampled three times, over two rainy seasons. The riparian plots harbored more and different species than the non-riparian plots. In riparian areas near streams, the species composition changed along the gradient associated with stream width. The higher number of individuals and species in riparian plots highlights the importance of water courses and associated riparian areas for the conservation of anuran diversity in Amazon rainforests.
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20 September 2012
The Effect of Riparian Zones on Species Diversity of Frogs in Amazonian Forests
José W. Ribeiro,
Albertina P. Lima,
William E. Magnusson
Vol. 2012 • No. 3
September 2012
Vol. 2012 • No. 3
September 2012