This is the first report on Mazahua knowledge and classification of plants and mushrooms and the roles of these resources in the local economy in the Monarch Butterfly Biosphere Reserve, Mexico. A total of 213 useful plant species and 31 species of edible mushrooms were recorded. Fruits of Prunus serotina, Rubus liebmanii, and Crataegus mexicana were the main wild fruit gathered by people (7.47, 4.40, and 1.82 tons of fruits per year, respectively), whereas their availability in the territory of the village was approximately 302.6, 6.0, and 34.188 tons. Brassica campestris, Rorippa nasturtiumaquaticum, Chenopodium berlandieri, and Amaranthus hybridus were the principal non-cultivated greens consumed by people (4.3, 0.5, 0.7, and 0.9 tons per year, while 23.6, 3.78, traces, and 46.0 tons, respectively, were available). Extraction of medicinal plants is low but gathering of Ternstroemia spp. flowers endangers local populations of these plants. All households of the village used fuelwood (1,767.2 tons per year), mainly of pine and oak species. Strategies for sustainable use of these resources are discussed.
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1 June 2007
Mazahua Ethnobotany and Subsistence in the Monarch Butterfly Biosphere Reserve, Mexico
Berenice Farfán,
Alejandro Casas,
Guillermo Ibarra-Manríquez,
Edgar Pérez-Negrón
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Economic Botany
Vol. 61 • No. 2
June 2007
Vol. 61 • No. 2
June 2007
Campesino economy
Monarch Butterfly Biosphere Reserve
non-timber plant resources