A new species of Mafulemesa Wygodzinsky 1966 (Emesinae: Leistarchini) is described from Queensland, Australia. This genus differs from other Leistarchini by its unique wing venation, wherein the M vein inserts on the submarginal vein. This is the first Australian record of Mafulemesa—a genus previously known only from a single species in New Guinea.
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24 January 2013
Mafulemesa schuhi (Heteroptera: Reduviidae: Emesinae), a New Species from Australia
Nikolai J. Tatarnic

Entomologica Americana
Vol. 118 • No. 1
January 2012
Vol. 118 • No. 1
January 2012
Emesinae: Reduviidae: new species
Thread-legged assassin bug