In order to study the coefficient of restitution (Cr) during the vibrational separation of maggots, which were provided by Hubei Province Insect Resource Utilization and Pest Sustainable Management Key Laboratory, based on kinematic principles, a series of collision experiments were conducted. The maximum force that a maggot can withstand was tested. A range of free-falling heights on collision was analyzed. The L8 (41×24) orthogonal table scheme was designed to analyze the four influential factors: collision material, material thickness, free-falling height and moisture content. The results showed that the maximum force a maggot can withstand is 9.64±0.26 N, where N means Newton, and is the unit of force. The factors influencing Cr are: collision material, free-falling height, material thickness and moisture content. The single-factor test showed that the collision material and the free-falling height were the most influential factors on the Cr of the maggots.