Three aquatic species of true bugs (Heteroptera), the waterboatman Hesperocorixa atopodonta (Hungerford, 1927) (Corixidae) and the backswimmers Buenoa confusa Truxal, 1953 and Notonecta insulata Kirby, 1837 (both Notonectidae), are reported for the first time from Illinois based on specimens recently caught during a biological inventory of aquatic macroinvertebrates conducted in Pine Dunes County Forest Preserve. Additionally, a record corroborating the presence of Gerris buenoi Kirkaldy, 1911 (Gerridae) in the state is presented. Supplementing these notes are dichotomous keys to the species of Hesperocorixa Kirkaldy, 1908 and Notonectidae of Illinois.