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1 February 2002 Geostatistical Analysis of the Small-Scale Distribution of European Corn Borer (Lepidoptera: Crambidae) Larvae and Damage in Whorl Stage Corn
R. J. Wright, T. A. Devries, L. J. Young, K. J. Jarvi, R. C. Seymour
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The small-scale spatial distribution of European corn borer, Ostrinia nubilalis (Hübner), larvae and damage in whorl stage corn, Zea mays L., was characterized using geostatistics. Spatial distribution of O. nubilalis larval feeding damage was studied at Clay Center, North Platte, and Concord, NE, during June–July 1992–1994, and spatial distribution of O. nubilalis larvae and damage was studied at Clay Center in June 1997. Semivariograms were calculated to model the change in spatial correlation with increasing distance between samples. Spatial distribution of larval damage during 1992–1994 was best described using a spherical model. Damage was spatially correlated among plants at distances up to 2.84 m apart. The spatial distribution of larvae in 1997 was best described using an exponential model for three of seven data sets, a spherical model for one of seven data sets and no model fit three of seven data sets. Larvae were spatially correlated among plants at distances up to 3.05 m apart. These data have implications for developing sampling plans for management of O. nubilialis, and for site-specific agriculture.

R. J. Wright, T. A. Devries, L. J. Young, K. J. Jarvi, and R. C. Seymour "Geostatistical Analysis of the Small-Scale Distribution of European Corn Borer (Lepidoptera: Crambidae) Larvae and Damage in Whorl Stage Corn," Environmental Entomology 31(1), 160-167, (1 February 2002).
Received: 8 March 2001; Accepted: 1 October 2001; Published: 1 February 2002

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European corn borer
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