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1 October 2008 Temperature-Dependent Development and Reproduction of a Novel Stored Product Psocid, Liposcelis badia (Psocoptera: Liposcelididae)
Hong-Bo Jiang, Jin-Chao Liu, Zi-Ying Wang, Jin-Jun Wang
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Liposcelis badia Wang, Wang, and Lienhard was firstly recorded as a novel species of Liposcelididae in 2006 in China. In this study, the development, survival, and reproduction of L. badia were evaluated at eight constant temperatures (between 20 and 37.5°C). The population reared at 37.5°C failed to develop or reproduce. Between 20 and 35°C, the developmental period from egg to adult varied from 46.5 d at 20°C to 17.2 d at 32.5°C. The lower temperature developmental thresholds from egg, first through third stadia, and combined immature stages were estimated at 15.0, 14.5, 9.1, 8.0, and 10.0°C; and the upper temperature thresholds were 39.5, 40.0, 38.9, 39.6, and 40.0°C, respectively. The survival rate from egg to adult was 48.2% at 27.5°C and 19.8 and 18.0% at 20 and 35°C, respectively. After emergence, the adult had a short preoviposition period that ranged from 6.4 d at 20°C to 3.8 d at 30 and 32.5°C. L. badia produced the most eggs at 20°C and the fewest at 35°C. The population reared at 27.5°C had the highest intrinsic rate of increase, net reproductive rate, the shortest populations doubling time, and shorter mean generation time compared with the other temperatures. It is suggested that the optimal range of temperature for L. badia population growth is 27.5–30°C.

Hong-Bo Jiang, Jin-Chao Liu, Zi-Ying Wang, and Jin-Jun Wang "Temperature-Dependent Development and Reproduction of a Novel Stored Product Psocid, Liposcelis badia (Psocoptera: Liposcelididae)," Environmental Entomology 37(5), 1105-1112, (1 October 2008).[1105:TDAROA]2.0.CO;2
Received: 13 March 2008; Accepted: 4 July 2008; Published: 1 October 2008

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Liposcelis badia
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