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1 August 2010 Argentine Ant Invasion Associated with Loblolly Pines in the Southeastern United States: Minimal Impacts but Seasonally Sustained
Alexei D. Rowles, Jules Silverman
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Invasive ants are notorious for directly displacing native ant species. Although such impacts are associated with Argentine ant invasions (Linepithema humile) worldwide, impacts within natural habitat are less widely reported, particularly those affecting arboreal ant communities. Argentine ants were detected in North Carolina mixed pine-hardwood forest for the first time but were localized on and around loblolly pines (Pinus taeda), probably because of association with honeydew-producing Hemiptera. We explored the potential impacts of L. humile on arboreal and ground-foraging native ant species by comparing interspersed loblolly pines invaded and uninvaded by Argentine ants. Impacts on native ants were assessed monthly over 1 yr by counting ants in foraging trails on pine trunks and in surrounding plots using a concentric arrangement of pitfall traps at 1, 2, and 3 m from the base of each tree. Of floristics and habitat variables, higher soil moisture in invaded plots was the only difference between plot types, increasing confidence that any ant community differences were caused by Argentine ants. Overall patterns of impact were weak. Composition differed significantly between Argentine ant invaded and uninvaded trunks and pitfalls but was driven only by the presence of Argentine ants rather than any resulting compositional change in native ant species. Native ant abundance and richness were similarly unaffected by L. humile. However, the abundance of individual ant species was more variable. Although numbers of the arboreal Crematogaster ashmeadi (Myrmicinae) declined on and around invaded pines, epigeic Aphaenogaster rudis (Myrmicinae) remained the most abundant species in all plots. Argentine ant densities peaked in late summer and fall, therefore overlapping with most native ants. Unexpected was their continued presence during even the coldest months. We provide evidence that Argentine ants can invade and persist in native North Carolina forests, probably mediated by pine-associated resources. However, their localized distribution and minimal impact on the native ant fauna relative to previously described invasions requires further resolution.

© 2010 Entomological Society of America
Alexei D. Rowles and Jules Silverman "Argentine Ant Invasion Associated with Loblolly Pines in the Southeastern United States: Minimal Impacts but Seasonally Sustained," Environmental Entomology 39(4), 1141-1150, (1 August 2010).
Received: 4 January 2010; Accepted: 9 April 2010; Published: 1 August 2010

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arboreal foraging
Argentine ants
biological invasion
Linepithema humile
Pinus taeda
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