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1 February 2019 Contributions of Soil Meso- and Microfauna to Nutrient Release During Broadleaved Tree Litter Decomposition in the Changbai Mountains
Lili Qiu, Xiuqin Yin, Yunfeng Jiang
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Soil meso- and microfauna (<2 mm in size) play an important role in the decomposition and nutrient release of litter. However, most research has focused on the influences of soil fauna on decomposition rates, while the impact of soil fauna on nutrient release has not been fully understood. We evaluated the influence of soil meso- and microfauna communities on nutrient release from decomposing Tilia amurensis Rupr. (Malvales:Tiliaceae) and Acer mono Maxim. (Sapindales:Aceraceae) leaves from the coniferous and broadleaved mixed forests of the Changbai Mountains. Litter decomposition and nutrient release were assessed using litterbags placed at the surface of the litter and using designs both with and without 2-mm mesh to either permit or exclude soil meso- and microfauna. The soil meso- and microfauna increased the decomposition of T. amurensis (not significantly) and A. mono (significantly, by 15%) litters. Presence of the soil meso- and microfauna accelerated the release rate of Mn in the A. mono litter by 59%, whereas it significantly decreased the release rates of Ca (in the T. amurensis litter) and P (in the A. mono litter) by 28 and 48%, respectively.These results suggest that a stronger understanding of the influence of soil fauna on nutrient cycling is necessary to understand the mechanisms of matter circulation.

© The Author(s) 2019. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of Entomological Society of America. All rights reserved. For permissions, please e-mail:
Lili Qiu, Xiuqin Yin, and Yunfeng Jiang "Contributions of Soil Meso- and Microfauna to Nutrient Release During Broadleaved Tree Litter Decomposition in the Changbai Mountains," Environmental Entomology 48(2), 395-403, (1 February 2019).
Received: 10 August 2018; Accepted: 6 January 2019; Published: 1 February 2019

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Changbai Mountains
Litter decomposition
nutrient release
soil meso- and microfauna
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