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1 December 2008 Genetics of Drought Adaptation in Arabidopsis thaliana II. Qtl Analysis of a New Mapping Population, Kas-1 × Tsu-1
John K. McKay, James H. Richards, Krishna S. Nemali, Saunak Sen, Thomas Mitchell-Olds, Sandra Boles, Eli A. Stahl, Tierney Wayne, Thomas E. Juenger
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Despite compelling evidence that adaptation to local climate is common in plant populations, little is known about the evolutionary genetics of traits that contribute to climatic adaptation. A screen of natural accessions of Arabidopsis thaliana revealed Tsu-1 and Kas-1 to be opposite extremes for water-use efficiency and climate at collection sites for these accessions differs greatly. To provide a tool to understand the genetic basis of this putative adaptation, Kas-1 and Tsu-1 were reciprocally crossed to create a new mapping population. Analysis of F3 families showed segregating variation in both δ13C and transpiration rate, and as expected these traits had a negative genetic correlation (rg=− 0.3). 346 RILs, 148 with Kas-1 cytoplasm and 198 with Tsu-1 cytoplasm, were advanced to the F9 and genotyped using 48 microsatellites and 55 SNPs for a total of 103 markers. This mapping population was used for QTL analysis of δ13C using F9 RIL means. Analysis of this reciprocal cross showed a large effect of cytoplasmic background, as well as two QTL for δ13C. The Kas-1 × Tsu-1 mapping population provides a powerful new resource for mapping QTL underlying natural variation and for dissecting the genetic basis of water-use efficiency differences.

John K. McKay, James H. Richards, Krishna S. Nemali, Saunak Sen, Thomas Mitchell-Olds, Sandra Boles, Eli A. Stahl, Tierney Wayne, and Thomas E. Juenger "Genetics of Drought Adaptation in Arabidopsis thaliana II. Qtl Analysis of a New Mapping Population, Kas-1 × Tsu-1," Evolution 62(12), 3014-3026, (1 December 2008).
Received: 10 June 2008; Accepted: 23 June 2008; Published: 1 December 2008

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Arabidopsis thaliana
carbon isotope ratio
correlated traits
drought avoidance
drought escape
drought tolerance
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