Forty-six species, belonging to 30 different genera of aphids, are reported from Honduras. Of these, 26 represent new distribution records for Honduras. A list of the plant hosts in Honduras on which the aphid species were collected is included.
Honduras comprises 18 political units called Departmentos (Departments) representing a wide variety of habitats and ecosystems. Very few studies have examined the aphid fauna of Honduras. Evers (1968) reported 14 aphid species associated with banana and nearby ground cover plants in the banana plantations of the Ulua Valley in northern Honduras. Smith & Cermeli (1979) reported 3 additional species from Honduras in their catalog of aphids of the Caribbean Islands, and South and Central America.
From 1987 to 1988, the senior author (GAE) collected aphids and other insects on plants in several departments of Honduras, but primarily in the central and western region. Host plants were identified by Dr. Antonio Molina of the Panamerican Agricultural School (EAP), Zamorano, Honduras. In addition, we have included unpublished records of aphid specimens present in the United States National Museum (USNM) collection and those intercepted by the Animal Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS, USDA). from 1988 to 2007 at U.S. ports of entry on shipments of products from Honduras. Readers are cautioned that species that are only known from specimens intercepted at a U.S. port of entry on plant material exported from Honduras may not necessarily be established in Honduras, and must be confirmed by collections made on plants grown within the country.
Forty-six species of aphids, belonging to 30 different genera, are reported in Honduras based upon these collections, literature records, and the species intercepted at U.S. ports of entry from Honduras; of these, 26 represent new distribution records. A host plant list for the aphids collected in or on shipments from Honduras is included. Several of the records of aphids occurring on plants that we have noted are unlikely to be the aphid's “true” host. Aphids often will land on a non-host plant, but will not feed and develop on the plant. The following format is used to present the collection and record data. Each record begins with the name of the Department of Honduras written in capital letters followed by the city, date of collection, collector and host plant. The Department of Francisco Morazan and the Escuela Agricola Panamericana are abbreviated as FCO. MORAZAN and EAP, respectively.
Collection Data and Records for Aphid Species of Honduras
Aphis coreopsidis (Thomas): EL PARAISO, Rio Chiquito near Repaco, 10-XII-1987, G. Evans, ex Baccharis salicifolia. FCO. MORAZAN, Lizapa, 26-VI-1991, K. Andrews, ex Bidens pilosa. Evers (1968) listed this species on Bidens pilosa, Chaptalia nutans and Vernonia scorpioides.
Aphis craccivora Koch: FCO. MORAZAN, El Zamorano, EAP, 14-IV-1988, G. Evans, ex Cajanus cajan and 18-V-1988, G. Evans, ex Kallstoemia maxima; El Zamorano, 23-III-1988, G. Evans, ex Gliricidia sepium. Intercepted at a U.S. port of entry from Honduras on Cucurbita sp. and at Miami, Florida on “golden shower” [Cassia fistula?], 19-I-1963, Buff from Honduras. Evers (1968) listed this species on Gliricidia sepium, Kallstroemia maxima and Vigna sinensis.
Aphis gossypii Glover: FCO. MORAZAN, El Zamorano, EAP, 22-II-1988, G. Evans, ex Cyphomandra betacea; 10-X-1987, G. Evans, ex Callistemon lanceolatus; 22-I-1988, K. Andrews, ex Cucurbita pepo; FCO. MORAZAN, Tegucigalpa, 5-IV-1988, G. Evans, ex Vinca major and 5-IV-1988, ex Gmelina arborea. Intercepted at a U.S. ports of entry from Honduras on Colocasia, Cucumis melo, Cucurbita sp., Momordica charantia and Solanum melongena. Evers (1968) listed this species on Acalypha wilkesiana, Ageratum conyzoides, Baltimora recta, Aristolochia grandiflora, Blechum pyramidatum, Capsicum annuum, Cecropia hondurensis, Chaptalia nutans, Cordia dentata, Cucumis sativus, Erechtites hieraciifolius, Guazuma ulmifolia, Gynura aurantiaca, Hamelia patens, Hampea stipitata, Hibiscus rosa-sinensis, Ixora coccinea, Malachra fasciata, Momordica charantia, Musa sapientum, Piper sp., Portulaca oleraceae, Priva lappulacea, Rauvolfia tetraphylla, Sphagneticola trilobata, Sida acuta, Solanum verbascifolium, Solanum hirsutum, Solanum nigrum, Teucrium inflatum, Urera sp. and Xanthosoma roseum.
Aphis illinoisensis Shimer: FCO. MORAZAN, El Zamorano, EAP, 13-VI-1988, G. Evans, ex Vitis vinifera. Evers (1968) listed this species from Cissus sicyoides and Vitis tiliaefolia.
Aphis nerii Fonscolombe: FCO. MORAZAN, Tegucigalpa, 24-III-1988, G. Evans, ex Cryptostegia madagascariensis; Evers (1968) listed this species from Asclepias curassavica, Cynanchum rensonii, Funastrum clausum, and Priva lappulacea.
Aphis spiraecola Patch: FCO. MORAZAN, El Zamorano, EAP, 27-XI-1987, G. Evans, ex Apium graveolens; 16-IV-1987, G. Evans, ex ornamental plant with a white flower; 13-V-1988 and 16-III-1988, ex Citrus sinensis; 9-XII-1987, ex Paspalum sp. (probably not a true host); 1-XII-1987, ex Helianthus annuus; 7-IV-1988, ex Gardenia augusta; El Zamorano, 28-X-1987, G. Evans, ex Lycopersicon esculentum; Tegucigalpa, 5-IV-1988, G. Evans, ex Psidium guajava; 26-III-1988, ex Acalypha wilkesiana; Tegucigalpa, 26-III-1988, G. Evans, ex Cryptostegia madagascariensis; Rio Hondo, 19-III-1992, B. Castro, ex Sechium edule. Intercepted at a U.S. port of entry from Honduras on Schefflera sp. Evers (1968) listed this species on Cynachum rensonii, Hamelia patens, and Citrus sinensis.
Aphis sp. (immature): OCOTEPEQUE, El Volcan, 16-IV-1988, G. Evans, ex Prunus persica.
Aulacorthum solani (Del Guercio): COMAYAGUA, Cero Blanco, 6-III-1988, G. Evans, ex Galinsoga urticaefolia. NEW COUNTRY RECORD.
Brevicoryne brassicae (Linnaeus): OCOTEPEQUE, El Corizal, 15-IV-1988, G. Evans, ex Brassica oleracea capitata group; Ocoton, 15-IV-1988, G. Evans, ex Brassica campestris; San Juan del Rancho, 9-II-1988, G. Evans, ex Brassica oleracea capitata group; CHOLUTECA, Los Colorados, 5-V-1990, L. Lastres, host unknown. NEW COUNTRY RECORD.
Capitophorus elaeagni (Del Guercio): Evers (1968) listed this species on Cirsium costaricense, from CORTES, Bejuca, 20-VII-1961, C. Evers, USNM.
Carolinaia cyperi Aislie: CORTES, La Lima, 22-I-1970, C. Evers, ex Cyperus rotundus. Smith and Cermeli (1979) listed this species from Honduras.
Cavariella sp. (probably a new species): OCOTEPEQUE, San Juan del Rancho, 15-IV-1988, G. Evans, ex Salix humboltiana; NEW COUNTRY RECORD (genus not previously known to occur in Honduras).
Cerataphis brasiliensis Hempel: FCO. MORAZAN, El Zamorano, EAP, 1991, F. D. Bennett, ex ornamental palm. NEW COUNTRY RECORD.
Cerataphis orchidearum (Westwood): Honduras, intercepted at New Orleans, 21-XI-1964, K. McClain, ex Vanilla sp., USNM; intercepted at Los Angeles, 22-VIII-1984, on an orchid, USNM. Intercepted at a U.S. ports of entry from Honduras on Cattleya sp. and Orchidaceae. NEW COUNTRY RECORD (its presence in Honduras should be confirmed by collections made within the country). This species moves around the world in the orchid trade. Since most records are from cultivated plants, its actual distribution is difficult to ascertain.
Chaetosiphon thomasi Hille Ris Lambers: Honduras, intercepted at Miami, 12-VII-1966, R. White, ex Rosa sp., USNM. NEW COUNTRY RECORD (its presence in Honduras should be confirmed by collections made within the country).
Chaetosiphon (Pentatrichopus) minor (Forbes): FCO MORAZAN, Mt. Uyuca, 5-II-1952, G. Darrow, ex strawberry [Fragaria sp.], USNM. NEW COUNTRY RECORD.
Chaitophorus poss. viminalis Monell: EL PARAISO, 10-XII-87, G. Evans, ex Chromolaena odorata (probably not its true host). NEW COUNTRY RECORD.
Cinara pinivora (Wilson): FCO. MORAZAN, Tegucigalpa, 26-IV-1965, P. Arnold, ex pine [Pinus sp.], USNM. NEW COUNTRY RECORD
Hyalomyzus jussiaeae Smith: CORTES, La Lima, 28 II 1962, C. Evers, ex Ludwigia sp. NEW COUNTRY RECORD.
Hyalopterus pruni (Geoffroy): Honduras, intercepted at New York, 29-V-1969, S. Gonzalez, ex Ananas comosus (probably not its true host). NEW COUNTRY RECORD (its presence in Honduras should be confirmed by collections made within the country).
Hyperomyzus lactucae (Linnaeus): Honduras, intercepted at Brownsville, Texas, 26-III-1948, ex Cattleya sp. (unlikely to be its true host), USNM. NEW COUNTRY RECORD (its presence in Honduras should be confirmed by collections made within the country).
Hysteroneura setariae (Thomas): FCO. MORAZAN, Tegucigalpa, 7-IV-1988, G. Evans, ex Melinis minutiflora. Evers (1968) listed this species on Zea mays and on an unidentified grass.
Lipaphis pseudobrassicae (Davis): FCO MORAZAN, El Zamorano, 14-II-1997, collector unknown, ex Tithonia rotundifolia (probably not a true host); Lizapa, 24-VII-1991, K. Andrews, ex Brassica juncea; OLANCHO, El Portillo, 21-V-1988, G. Evans, ex Brassica oleracea capitata group. Evers (1968) listed this species (as Hyadaphis pseudobrassicae Davis) on Brassica oleracea and Raphanus sativus.
Macrosiphoniella sanborni (Gillette): FCO. MORAZAN, Tegucigalpa, 11-IV-1988, G. Evans, ex Chrysanthemum sp. NEW COUNTRY RECORD.
Macrosiphum californicum (Clarke): FCO. MORAZAN, El Zamorano, EAP, 2-IV-1988, G. Evans, ex Salix prob. chinensis. NEW COUNTRY RECORD.
Macrosiphum euphorbiae (Thomas): FCO. MORAZAN, Tegucigalpa, 21-II-1988, G. Evans, ex Caesalpinia pulcherrima; El Zamorano, EAP, 26-I-1988, G. Evans, ex Lycopersicon esculentum; OLANCHO, Salama, 21-I-1988, G. Evans, ex Phaseolus vulgaris. NEW COUNTRY RECORD.
Macrosiphum pauliani (Remaudiere): Smith and Cermeli (1979) listed this species from Honduras.
Macrosiphum rosae (Linnaeus): FCO. MORAZAN, El Zamorano, EAP, 14-XII-1987, G. Evans, ex Rosa alcea. NEW COUNTRY RECORD.
Macrosiphum salviae Bartholomew: COMAYAGUA, Comayagua, 9-I-1980, S. Passoa, ex Mimosa pigra (unlikely to be its true host). USNM. NEW COUNTRY RECORD.
Monellia caryella (Fitch): COMAYAGUA, Siguatepeque, 15-V-1972, R. J. Morgan, ex Rosa sp. NEW COUNTRY RECORD. This species is usually associated with hickory (Carya sp).
Myzus ornatus Laing: Honduras, intercepted at Miami, 20-I-1962, C. Stegmaier, ex cactus plant, USNM. NEW COUNTRY RECORD (its presence in Honduras should be confirmed by collections made within the country).
Myzus persicae (Sulzer): FCO. MORAZAN, Tegucigalpa, 12-IV-1988, G. Evans, ex Iresine calea; FCO. MORAZAN, El Zamorano, EAP, 22-II-1988, G. Evans, Beta vulgaris; 10-X-1988, ex Callistemon lanceolatus; 26-XI-1987, ex Capsicum annuum; 23-II-1988, ex Cucurbita pepo. Evers (1968) listed this species on Aristolochia grandiflora, Brassica oleracea botrytis group, Brassica oleracea acephala group and Xanthosoma roseum.
Myzus persicae group (possibly an undescribed species): FCO. MORAZAN, El Zamorano, EAP, 23-II-1988, ex Cucurbita pepo; 16-IV-1990, K. Andrews, ex Bougainvillea glabra. NEW COUNTRY RECORD.
Pemphigus sp: OLANCHO, near Juticalpa, 19-XII-1987, G. Evans, ex roots of Argemone mexicana. NEW COUNTRY RECORD for this genus previously not known to occur in Honduras.
Pentalonia nigronervosa Coquerel: Evers (1968) listed this species from Heliconia latispatha, Musa sapientum, and Xanthosoma roseum.
Picturaphis brasiliensis (Moreira): FCO. MORAZAN, El Zamorano, EAP, G. Evans, ex Bidens sp. present in a field of beans (Phaseolus vulgaris), which is a common host for this species. NEW COUNTRY RECORD (its presence in Honduras should be confirmed by collections made within the country).
Rhodobium porosum (Sanderson): Honduras, intercepted in Miami, 24-XI-1963, R. Higgins, ex rose [Rosa sp.], USNM. NEW COUNTRY RECORD (its presence in Honduras should be confirmed by collections made within the country).
Rhopalosiphum maidis (Fitch): FCO. MORAZAN, El Zamorano, EAP, 26-II-1988, G. Evans, ex Daucus carota growing beside Zea mays (probably its true host); 11-II-1988, G. Evans, ex Sorghum bicolor; San Antonio de Oriente, 25 IX 1993, A. Salazar, ex Cucumis melo; OLANCHO, La Union, 18-IX-1987, G. Evans, ex Rottboelia cochinchinensis. Evers (1968) listed this species on Cordia dentata (young shoots on a stump in corn patch) and from Ixophorus unisetus, Pennisetum purpureum, Sorghum bicolor [=Holcus sorghum], Urochloa [=Panicum] maxima, Urochloa mutica [=Panicum barbinode] and Zea mays. It is unlikely that Daucus carota and Cucumis melo are true hosts of this species, which usually develops on grasses.
Rhopalosiphum rufiabdominale (Sasaki): NEW COUNTRY RECORD. Species Intercepted at a U.S. port of entry from Honduras on miscellaneous cargo. (USDA 2005).
Sarucallis kahawaluokalani (Kirkaldy): Evers (1968) listed this species from Honduras (as Tinocallis kahawaluokalani Kirkaldy) on Lagerstroemia indica.
Sipha flava (Forbes): FCO. MORAZAN, El Zamorano, EAP, 19-XII-1987, G. Evans, ex Cenchrus brownii. NEW COUNTRY RECORD.
Siphonatrophia cupressi (Swain): COPAN, Santa Rosa de Copan, 14-VI-1988, G. Evans, ex Cupressus sp. NEW COUNTRY RECORD.
Tetraneura nigriabdominalis (Sasaki): Evers (1968) listed this species as T. hirsuta Baker on the root near the crown of Ixophorus unisetus, Paspalum fasciculatum, Setaria parviflora [=S. geniculata], and on Urochloa mutica [=Panicum barbinode]. This species is also found on the roots of Oryza sativa L.
Tetraneura nigriabdominalis subsp. bispina Hille Ris Lambers. Smith & Cermeli (1979) listed this subspecies from Honduras.
Toxoptera aurantii (Fonscolombe): FCO MORAZAN, El Zamorano, 17-VI-1987, G. Evans, ex unknown plant; El Zamorano, R. Concede, ex Persea americana; INTIBUCA, La Esperanza, 17-IV-1988, G. Evans, on “calaca” (ornamental hedge bush with black fruit); OCOTOPEQUE, El Corizal, 16-IV-1988, G. Evans, ex Citrus sinensis. Evers (1968) listed this species on Acalypha wilkesiana., Citrus limon, Ixora coccinea, Piper tuberculatum and Murraya paniculata.
Toxoptera citricida (Kirkaldy): Honduras. Voetgtlin et al. (2003) reported this species from Costa Rica. Castro (1995) in his survey of the aphids on citrus in Honduras, did not find this species; however, the European and Mediterranean Plant Protection Organization (EPPO) reported its presence in Honduras on their website (EPPO 2006). This is a very important economic pest, especially for its ability to vector the citrus tristeza virus.
Uroleucon compositae (Theobold): Smith and Cermeli (1979) listed this species from Honduras.
Uroleucon verbesinae (Boudreaux): COPAN, Copan, 13-VII-1961, C. Evers, ex Verbesina myriocephala. Evers (1968) listed this species (as Dactynotus verbesinae) on Verbesina myriocephala.
Uroleucon sp: FCO MORAZAN, El Zamorano, 18-XI-1991, L. Vasquez, ex Tithonia rotundifolia; Lizapa, 27-VII-1997, M. Andrews, ex Tithonia rotundifolia.
We thank Dr. Antonio Molina of the Panamerican Agricultural School, Zamorano Honduras, who identified the host plants sampled in the 1987-1988 survey and the faculty and students of the school for their assistance; Manya Stoetzel and Gary Miller, Systematic Entomology Laboratory and Harold Denmark, Florida Department of Agriculture, who assisted in the identification of some of the aphid species reported herein; Richard Weaver, Florida Department of Agriculture for reviewing the names of the plant hosts listed in this paper. This is Entomology Contribution No. 1058, Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services, Division of Plant Industry, Bureau of Entomology, Nematology, and Plant Pathology.