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1 June 2014 An extended Benthic Quality Index for assessment of lake profundal macroinvertebrates: addition of indicator taxa by multivariate ordination and weighted averaging
Jussi Jyväsjärvi, Jukka Aroviita, Heikki Hämäläinen
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The chironomid Benthic Quality Index (BQI) is a widely used metric in assessments of lake status. The BQI is based on 7 indicator taxa, which like most profundal fauna, often occur sporadically in low densities. Hence, a major weakness of the index is that it cannot be calculated when indicator taxa are not captured. Thus, an extension of the BQI that incorporates more macroinvertebrate taxa is desirable. We used 2 statistical approaches (Detrended Correspondence Analysis and Weighted Averaging) to estimate new benthic quality indicator scores for profundal macroinvertebrate taxa and to construct modified BQIs called Profundal Invertebrate Community Metrics (PICMs). We calibrated the PICMs and evaluated their bioassessment performance with macroinvertebrate and environmental data from 735 lake basins in Finland. Both PICMs included 70 taxa and could be calculated for a substantially greater proportion (99.5%) of sites than the original BQI (83.5%). Compared to the BQI, the PICMs were more strongly correlated with whole-community variation and were more predictable from environmental factors independent of human activities in undisturbed reference lakes. PICMs were more specific in identifying undisturbed lakes and more sensitive in discriminating nonreference from reference lakes. The strength of relationships to total P concentration was equal among indices. These results suggest that the extension of BQI to incorporate more taxa will increase generality, accuracy, and representativeness of lake profundal macroinvertebrate assessment.

© 2014 by The Society for Freshwater Science.
Jussi Jyväsjärvi, Jukka Aroviita, and Heikki Hämäläinen "An extended Benthic Quality Index for assessment of lake profundal macroinvertebrates: addition of indicator taxa by multivariate ordination and weighted averaging," Freshwater Science 33(3), 995-1007, (1 June 2014).
Received: 17 April 2013; Accepted: 21 November 2013; Published: 1 June 2014

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benthic invertebrates
indicator species
O/E ratio
weighted averaging
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