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30 June 2024 A Conspectus of Angiosperm Supertribes
Zacky Ezedin
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The inconspicuous rank of supertribe is rarely used in botanical classification, being only reserved for large families with high tribal-level diversity. The purpose of the supertribe is to provide further hierarchical resolution within a tribally rich subfamily by allowing clades containing multiple tribal-level taxa to be recognized at rank level. Thus far, this rank has been proposed for six angiosperm families: Asteraceae, Brassicaceae, Poaceae, Rosaceae, Rubiaceae, and Sapindaceae. Here, the rank of supertribe is further extended to the families Araceae, Cactaceae, and Fabaceae, along with new additions in Rubiaceae and Sapindaceae. In the subfamily Aroideaes.l., fourwell-supported clades are newly recognized as supertribes Arodae, Philodendrodae, Schismatoglottidodae, and Zamioculcadodae. In Cactoideae, the two largest and commonly recognized core clades I and II are validated as supertribes Echinocereodae and Cereodae, respectively. In Papilionoideae, supertribes Dalbergiodae, Galegodae, Genistodae, Myroxylodae, and Phaseolodae are newly validated, corresponding to five commonly recovered supra-tribal clades. In Rubiaceae, five tribal alliances are newly equated to the supertribes Coffeodae, Dialypetalanthodae, Lasianthodae, Mussaendodae, and Urophyllodae. The publication of the two Maloideae supertribes Kerriodae and Pyrodae, originally published improperly, are herein validated. In Sapindoideae, Cupaniodae is newly described while the limits of Paulliniodae are expanded, and its effective publication corrected through typification. Additionally, the tribal name Chesneyeae is newly validated and corrected. This account brings the total number of currently accepted supertribes across the angiosperms to 36. A brief synopsis of all published and accepted supertribal names is provided.

Zacky Ezedin "A Conspectus of Angiosperm Supertribes," Harvard Papers in Botany 29(1), 63-78, (30 June 2024).
Published: 30 June 2024
infrafamilial classification
suprageneric classification
tribal alliance
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