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1 September 2015 Description of a Second Species of the Genus Rabdion Duméril, Bibron & Duméril, 1854 (Colubridae: Calamariinae) from Sulawesi, Indonesia
A.A. Thasun Amarasinghe, Gernot Vogel, Jimmy A. McGuire, Irvan Sidik, Jatna Supriatna, Ivan Ineich
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We describe a new species of the genus Rabdion based on morphological evidence. The new species, Rabdion grovesi sp. nov., is restricted to South Sulawesi, whereas Rabdion forsteni is widely distributed on the rest of Sulawesi (Indonesia). Rabdion grovesi sp. nov. differs from R. forsteni by having a broader, shallower, and rounded rostral (vs. narrow, deep, and pointed); nasal touched by first and second supralabials (vs. first only); temporals 1 2 (vs. 1 3); 192 ventrals (vs. 130–157 in males and 152–160 in females); elongate (vs. shorter) dorsal scales; and a bluish gray dorsum (vs. grayish brown) in preservative. Finally, we provide a complete redescription for R. forsteni based on the subadult female syntype, MNHN 7210.

© 2015 by The Herpetologists' League, Inc.
A.A. Thasun Amarasinghe, Gernot Vogel, Jimmy A. McGuire, Irvan Sidik, Jatna Supriatna, and Ivan Ineich "Description of a Second Species of the Genus Rabdion Duméril, Bibron & Duméril, 1854 (Colubridae: Calamariinae) from Sulawesi, Indonesia," Herpetologica 71(3), 234-239, (1 September 2015).
Accepted: 1 May 2015; Published: 1 September 2015
Pointed Snakes
Rabdion forsteni
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