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1 December 2010 Ökologische Zeigerwerte von Flechten — Erweiterte und Aktualisierte Fassung
Volkmar Wirth
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Wirth, V. 2010. Ecological indicator values of lichens — enlarged and updated species list. — Herzogia 23: 229–248.

A new edition of the species list of ecological indicator values of lichens is presented. Values of the hitherto considered species have been checked and corrected where appropriate. Fifty-eight additional species have been included. Overall, indicator values for important climatic factors (light = L, temperature = T, continentality = K, moisture = F) and substrate properties (pH = R, eutrophication = N) are now available for 516 species. A procedure to assess the eco-climatic oceanity (KO) with the help of the indicator values is presented. Since the eco-climatic oceanity has a temperature and a moisture component, the indicator value of eco-climatic oceanity can be calculated with the formula KO = (10 - K F) : 2.

Volkmar Wirth "Ökologische Zeigerwerte von Flechten — Erweiterte und Aktualisierte Fassung," Herzogia 23(2), 229-248, (1 December 2010).
Accepted: 5 May 2010; Published: 1 December 2010
indicator values
lichen-forming fungi
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