Schramm, J. & Wollert, H. 2010. The bryophyte flora of an unspoiled percolation mire of northern Germany in the valley of the Blinde Trebel (Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania). — Herzogia 23: 257–267.
An extraordinary rich bryophyte flora can be found in one of the last unspoiled percolation mires of northern Germany in the valley of the Blinde Trebel south of Franzburg (Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania). The habitat has maintained its natural conditions nearly without any changes over the last five decades. A number of the existing plant communities, which are characterized by the highest contents of endangering, harvest a high degree of very rare and critically endangered mosses. Among them are especially the characteristic taxa of the Paludello palustris-Caricetum Succow 1974 Paludella squarrosa, Helodium blandowii, Tomentypnum nitens and Philonotis calcarea.
With the help of ecological indicator values the bryophytes contribute considerably to the habitat characterization of such mesotrophic calcareous mire.