HUGONNOT, V. & CELLE, J. 2013. The Leptodictyo riparii-Hygroamblystegietum varii ass. nov., a dead wood-dwelling association of near-natural alluvial forests in the Rhône valley (France). - Herzogia 26: 187–195.
The description of the Leptodictyo riparii-Hygroamblystegietum varii ass. nov. is given. It is characterized by two species, Leptodictyum riparium and Hygroamblystegium varium. This eutrophic and sciaphilic association thrives on dead wood that is alternately subject to flooding and limited periodic desiccation. It is recognized in the Rhône valley (France) but is most probably more widely distributed in western and central Europe. It is most characteristic of naturally functioning river valleys with a constant erosion of banks and redeposition of alluvial sediments in strongly dynamic soft-wooded forests.