Tsurykau, A., Golubkov, V. & Kukwa, M. 2014. New or otherwise interesting records of lichens and lichenicolous fungi from Belarus. — Herzogia 27: 111–120.
Data on fourteen species of lichenized and lichenicolous fungi from Belarus are presented, of which 5 lichens (Fuscidea arboricola, Lecanora compallens, Lepraria vouauxii, Ochrolechia bahusiensis, Violella fucata) and 7 lichenicolous fungi (Acremonium antarcticum, Epicladonia sandstedei, E. stenospora, Lettauia cladoniicola, Pezizella ucrainica, Phaeopyxis punctum, Taeniolella phaeophysciae) are new to the country. The occurrence of Ochrolechia pallescens is confirmed by thin-layer chromatography in Belarus and the first contemporary record of O. arborea is presented.