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1 July 2014 Erstfund von Mannia triandra (Aytoniaceae, Hepaticae) Für den Harz und Sachsen-Anhalt
Frank Müller, Karl-Friedrich Günther, Jörn Hentschel, David G. Long
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Müller, F., Günther, K.-F., Hentschel, J. & Long, D. G. 2014. First record of Mannia triandra (Aytoniaceae, Hepaticae) in the Harz Mts and Saxony-Anhalt (Germany). — Herzogia 27: 147–156.

The first record for the Harz Mts and Saxony-Anhalt of Mannia triandra is reported. The site is located at the rock massif Kleine Rabenklippe at the Rappbode Reservoir near Hasselfelde.

The circumstances of the finding and the locality including accompanying bryophytes are described. Among other species Grimmia lisae, Mannia fragrans and Schistidium flaccidum, a species thought lost in Saxony-Anhalt, are particularly noteworthy.

Frank Müller, Karl-Friedrich Günther, Jörn Hentschel, and David G. Long "Erstfund von Mannia triandra (Aytoniaceae, Hepaticae) Für den Harz und Sachsen-Anhalt," Herzogia 27(1), 147-156, (1 July 2014).
Accepted: 1 May 2014; Published: 1 July 2014
Harz Mts
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