Heuchert, B., Zhurbenko, M. P. & Braun, U. 2014. Reassessment of the lichenicolous hyphomycete genus Talpapellis. — Herzogia 27: 83–92.
Based on a re-examination of type material of Talpapellis peltigerae, type species of the monotypic genus Talpapellis, conidiogenesis and structure of conidiophores and conidia have been reassessed, which led to a confirmation of Talpapellis as a separate, recognized lichenicolous genus with superficially Cladosporium-, Fusicladium- and Pseudocladosporium-like morphology. Owing to similar structures of conidiogenous loci and conidial hila as well as the characteristic structure of the walls of conidiophores and conidia, the lichenicolous genus Verrucocladosporium is considered to be morphologically similar to and confusable with Talpapellis, but differs with regard to proliferation of conidiophores and formation of conidiogenous cells. Therefore, Talpapellis and Verrucocladosporium are maintained as separate genera. The descriptions of Talpapellis and T. peltigerae are amended, and the new variety T. peltigerae var. rossica is introduced, illustrated and discussed, supplemented by a key to the recognized taxa of Talpapellis and Verrucocladosporium.