Vondrák, J., Malíček, J., Šoun, J. & Pouska, V. 2015. Epiphytic lichens of Stužica (E Slovakia) in the context of Central European old-growth forests. — Herzogia 28: 104–126.
Based on recent lichen inventories, we report 230 epiphytic and epixylic species in the Slovakian old-growth beech-dominated Stužica forest. Microlichens represent 75% of species. By comparison, lichen lists of only three other Central European forests exceed 200 species, and none of them reached 230. Lichen diversity is very unequally distributed in Stužica; the extensive south-facing slopes are poor in species, whereas damp brook valleys and upper parts of slopes above 1000 m alt. are rich. Some rare macrolichens were collected in Stužica about 50 years ago but could not be relocated during the present survey.
Twelve species are new to Slovakia: Epigloea urosperma, Graphis macrocarpa, Kirschsteiniothelia recessa, Lecidea sanguineoatra, Lepraria ecorticata, Micarea nigella, Opegrapha trochodes, Parmotrema arnoldii, Pertusaria waghornei, Ramonia chrysophaea, Sclerophora amabilis and Tetramelas chloroleucus. Three recorded species were considered regionally extinct in Slovakia: Arthonia byssacea, Sclerophora coniophaea and Sclerophora farinacea.