Peterka, T., Plesková, T., Palpurina, S., Kalníková, V., Lazarević, P. M. & Hájek, M. 2016. Meesia triquetra, a new relict moss for the Republic of Macedonia. — Herzogia 29: 66–71.
Meesia triquetra is a circumpolar boreo-arctic moss species typical for well preserved fens, and is rare in southern Europe. During field research on mire vegetation in the Balkan Peninsula, a population of Meesia triquetra was found at the Begovo pole wetland in the Jakupica Mountains. It is the first record of this species for the Republic of Macedonia. A description of the locality, ecological conditions and vegetation is presented. The moss grows here in the sedge-moss vegetation similar to temperate fens of the alliance Caricion davallianae. The vegetation with Meesia triquetra in Begovo pole was evaluated in the context of fen vegetation more generally in the Balkans using detrended correspondence analysis. The study site appeared to be similar to other Balkan calcium-rich brown-moss fens without calcium carbonate precipitation. This habitat resembles the optimum habitat of the species in central and northern Europe.