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1 December 2016 Bacidia hemipolia f. pallida in Poland — Distribution and Ecological Characteristics Based on New Records from Old-Growth Forests
Dariusz Kubiak, Anna Łubek
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Kubiak, D. & Łubek, A. 2016. Bacidia hemipolia f. pallida in Poland — distribution and ecological characteristics based on new records from old-growth forests. — Herzogia 29: 712–720.

This paper presents 31 new sites for the lichen Bacidia hemipolia f. pallida found in central and north-eastern Poland. An ecological description and the current distribution of the taxon in Poland is presented based on new data and previously published information. At present, the world's largest density of the lichen's sites occurs in large forest complexes of north-eastern Poland. Because of the limited distribution and the affinity with specific forest habitats, the taxon has been submitted to be included on the Red List of the lichens of Poland.

Dariusz Kubiak and Anna Łubek "Bacidia hemipolia f. pallida in Poland — Distribution and Ecological Characteristics Based on New Records from Old-Growth Forests," Herzogia 29(2), 712-720, (1 December 2016).
Accepted: 1 July 2016; Published: 1 December 2016
deciduous forest
indicator species
lichenized fungi
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