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1 December 2016 Czech Database of Lichen Type Material
Jiří Liška
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Liška, J. 2016. Czech database of lichen type material. — Herzogia 29: 814–818.

An online database of lichen type material with open access is presented. This project of the Institute of Botany, Czech Academy of Sciences, covers lichen names of all taxonomic ranks based on material collected on the present territory of the Czech Republic. The search is not restricted to Czech herbaria only; other herbaria important in this respect are also involved. The database includes the name of a lichen with its bibliographic citation. The digitized documentation includes the protologue and the deposited type specimens, i.e. the label with locality, the specimen with all accompanying documentation (e.g. notes by the collector, notes by the author of the name, further revisions) and a detailed image of the lichen in high resolution. Nomenclatural revision was performed and the kind of type annotated. Also further notes are provided concerning lectotypification, exsiccate collections, revisions and comments concerning errors in the protologue. At present, the database includes 592 names of lichens and lichenicolous fungi, almost 1,500 specimens from 19 European herbaria and nearly 4,500 pictures including protologues, specimen labels, specimens as well as detailed images of lichens. The database is accessible at

Jiří Liška "Czech Database of Lichen Type Material," Herzogia 29(2), 814-818, (1 December 2016).
Accepted: 1 August 2016; Published: 1 December 2016
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