Ślipiko, M., Sawicki, J. & Chmielewski, J. 2017. Ramet-based expressed sex ratio in Polish populations of Nyholmiella obtusifolia (Orthotrichaceae). — Herzogia 30: 51–57.
We assessed ramet-based expressed sex ratio in eight Polish populations of Nyholmiella obtusifolia based on our own sampling (n = 4) and herbarium collections (n = 4). In each specimen of ca. 5 cm2 in size, we visually scored all individual ramets for the presence of sexual organs, i.e. antheridia and archegonia. We also counted gametophytes with sporophytes. Generally, most bisexual specimens (n = 5) were female-skewed with female ramets outnumbering males 7–10 fold. Only one population was almost balanced. Unisexual specimens (n = 3) were always female. Thirtyfive to 91 % of the ramets per specimen were non-expressing.