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25 January 2021 Bryophilous ascomycetes (Pezizales) in Hungarian cemeteries
Csaba Németh
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Németh, Cs. 2020. Bryophilous ascomycetes (Pezizales) in Hungarian cemeteries. – Herzogia 33: 319 –339.

During a systematic survey conducted in 59 cemeteries in Hungary 150 occurrences of 12 bryophilous ascomycetes (Lamprospora dictydiola, L. miniata var. miniata, L. seaveri, Octospora axillaris var. axillaris, O. axillaris var. tetraspora, O. coccinea, O. gemmicola, O. grimmiae, O. gyalectoides, O. itzerottii, O. leucoloma var. leucoloma, O. leucoloma var. tetraspora) were detected. O. gyalectoides was the most frequent species occurring in 90 % of the studied cemeteries, whilst the rarest ones O. grimmiae, O. itzerottii and O. leucoloma var. tetraspora were observed only in one cemetery each. Phascum cuspidatum proved to be the most common bryophyte host, being the host of L. miniata var. miniata, O. axillaris var. axillaris, O. axillaris var. tetraspora and O. gyalectoides. The highest diversity represented with six bryophilous taxa was observed in Budapest-Rákoskeresztúr cemetery, which is by far the largest of those visited. L. dictydiola, O. gemmicola, O. grimmiae and O. leucoloma var. tetraspora are reported here for the first time from Hungary. This study is the first one focusing on bryophilous Pezizales in burial places.

Csaba Németh "Bryophilous ascomycetes (Pezizales) in Hungarian cemeteries," Herzogia 33(2), 319-339, (25 January 2021).
Accepted: 27 May 2020; Published: 25 January 2021
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