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25 January 2021 Lichens recorded in chasmophytic communities associated with relict and endemic plant species in Bulgaria
Anna Guttová, Milan Valachovič, Rossen Tzonev, Anna Ganeva, Veselin V. Shivarov, Zuzana Fačkovcová
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Guttová, A., Valachovič, M., Tzonev, R., Ganeva, A., Shivarov, V. V. & Fačkovcová, Z. 2020. Lichens recorded in chasmophytic communities associated with relict and endemic plant species in Bulgaria. – Herzogia 33: 407– 419.

The mid-altitudes of Bulgaria comprise a wide range of sparsely vegetated ecosystems, including rock cliffs and outcrops. They host chasmophytic communities supporting different range-restricted or rare plants. Sampling vegetation relevés, we recorded the present lichen biota. Here we report on the occurrence of 143 lichen species. Out of them, we shortly comment on noteworthy species, specifically those which have not been reported from Bulgaria so far – Acarospora moenium, A. oligospora, Agonimia globulifera, A. opuntiella, Anema tumidulum, Fuscopannaria mediterranea, Lempholemma chalazanum, Leptogium brebissonii agg., Lichinella cribellifera, Psora vallesiaca, Pyrenopsis grumulifera, Scytinium aragonii, S. schraderi, Thelopsis lojkana, and Thalloidima tauricum.

Anna Guttová, Milan Valachovič, Rossen Tzonev, Anna Ganeva, Veselin V. Shivarov, and Zuzana Fačkovcová "Lichens recorded in chasmophytic communities associated with relict and endemic plant species in Bulgaria," Herzogia 33(2), 407-419, (25 January 2021).
Accepted: 30 September 2020; Published: 25 January 2021
Balkan peninusula
Habitat 8210
Habitat 8220
Natura 2000
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