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1 December 2008 Mitochondrial DNA Haplogroups in the Czech Population Compared to Other European Countries
Vendula Vidrová, Markéta Tesařová, Eva Trefilová, Tomáš Honzík, Martin Magner, Jiří Zeman
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The analysis of mtDNA haplogroup frequency in various populations is a tool for studying human history and population dynamics. The aim of this study is to map the frequency of major mtDNA haplogroups in 300 maternally unrelated individuals representing the Czech population of the central part of the Czech Republic. Eighteen polymorphic sites in the coding region of mtDNA were screened by PCR-RFLP to determine 11 mtDNA haplogroups and 5 subhaplogroups. The most frequent haplogroups were H (41%) and U (21%). Less frequent haplogroups were J and T, each with a frequency of 8%. Frequencies of other haplogroups (V, K, HV, W, preV, X, and I) did not exceed 5%. The results of our study reveal that the frequency of mtDNA haplogroups in the Czech population is similar to the frequencies obtained in other European countries, especially Poland, Germany, and Russia. On the contrary, significant differences in haplogroup frequency were found between the Czech and Finnish populations (haplogroups U, T, W) and populations from Bulgaria and Turkey (haplogroups H).

Vendula Vidrová, Markéta Tesařová, Eva Trefilová, Tomáš Honzík, Martin Magner, and Jiří Zeman "Mitochondrial DNA Haplogroups in the Czech Population Compared to Other European Countries," Human Biology 80(6), 669-674, (1 December 2008).
Received: 28 December 2006; Accepted: 1 January 2009; Published: 1 December 2008
mitochondrial DNA
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