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1 December 2010 HLA Genes in Populations of the Aleutian Islands
Diego Rey, Cristina Areces, Carlos Parga-Lozano, Pablo Gómez-Prieto, Michael H. Crawford, Antonio Arnaiz-Villena
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We typed a subset of the Aleut population for HLA loci (HLA-A, HLA-B, HLA-DRB1, HLA-DQB1) to obtain an HLA profile, which was compared to other Eurasian and Amerindian populations for studying Aleut origin and its significance on the peopling of the Americas. Allele frequencies at the four loci were identified in an Aleut sample using standard indirect DNA sequencing methods. Genetic distances with Amerindians and Eurasians were obtained by comparing Aleut allele frequencies with a worldwide population database (13,164 chromosomes). The most frequently extended HLA haplotypes were also calculated. We also generated Aleut relatedness dendrograms and calculated correspondence relatedness in a multidimensional scale. Both neighbor-joining dendrograms and correspondence analysis separated Aleuts from Eskimos and Amerindians. Aleuts are closer genetically to Europeans, including Scandinavians and English. Our results are concordant with those obtained by Y-chromosome analysis, suggesting that most male Aleut ancestors of our sample came mainly from Europe.

©2010 Wayne State University Press, Detroit, Michigan 48201–1309
Diego Rey, Cristina Areces, Carlos Parga-Lozano, Pablo Gómez-Prieto, Michael H. Crawford, and Antonio Arnaiz-Villena "HLA Genes in Populations of the Aleutian Islands," Human Biology 82(5/6), 737-744, (1 December 2010).
Received: 13 May 2010; Accepted: 29 June 2010; Published: 1 December 2010
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