Akunik Pass, Chukchi Sea Coast, North Alaska, June 1974. After midnight Andy Short and John Harper sleep on one of the higher dunes on the low barrier island, with sea ice in background. The 24-hour sun brings broad daylight even at this time of night. Earlier that day they had picked up a Boston Whaler stored at the Point Lay DEW Line station and after hauling it across the iced-in Point Lay inlet finally got to motor 50 km up the coast to reach the pass at midnight where they camped. The hip-waders were required owing to the need to walk the boat though melting sea-ice to reach the open sea, resulting in the occasional slip. The label of the box in front of them indicates their main sustenance was Kellogs Frosted Pop Tarts! They were enroute to Icy Cape where together with another colleague they were based for 3-months while investigating the low dynamic barrier islands, migratory inlets, and beaches and multi-bar systems that characterise the Chukchi coast. The project was funded by the Office of Naval Research though the Coastal Studies Institute at Louisiana State University. (See Harper and Short on pages 78-83 of this volume.) (Photo: A.D. Short, School of Geosciences, University of Sydney, NSW 2006, Australia.)