Jiang, C.; Wang, J.; Zhang, P.; Wang, Y.; Guo, X., and Zhu, L., 2020. Impact of rapid salinity variation on aquaculture organisms caused by water drainage from an estuary sluice. In: Liu, X. and Zhao, L. (eds.), Today's Modern Coastal Society: Technical and Sociological Aspects of Coastal Research. Journal of Coastal Research, Special Issue No. 111, pp. 39–42. Coconut Creek (Florida), ISSN 0749-0208.
Salinity is one of the most important factors affecting the survival and distribution of estuarine organisms. The construction of an estuarine gate will change the salinity of seawater and produces a direct impact on marine ecosystems. The variation of salinity and its influence on aquaculture organisms in the Yueqing Bay were revealed by on-site monitoring and comparative analysis during the flood water discharge period of the Jiangxia Drainage Project. The results showed that salinity declined rapidly after the sluice was opened, and the decreasing amplitude and duration were related to the intensity and lasting time of water drainage, as well as the distance to the gate. The seawater salinity could fall to 4‰ in an area where it is close to the gate. During neap tide, salinity's change along the waterway is greater and recovery time is longer than spring tide. Most of aquaculture organisms have limited tolerance to low salinity and its rapid variation. The decrease extent of seawater salinity often exceeds 10‰ during the drainage period, which is unbearable to Sinonovacula constricta and Scylla serrata, etc. Therefore, the construction of estuary sluice and water drainage will affect the growth and survival of marine life.